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You have a resource-full Reading Room for browsing and buying Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, as well as her other writings and Christian Science related books, music and programs.

Best Seller
SH-Sterling-150Over 10 Million Copies Sold
A gift for today!

At the Reading Room, you may purchase your own copy of Science and Health, what many are discovering is truly a “gift of healing” that keeps on giving!

Simply read it, open your heart and mind, pray, and experience greater harmony, happiness and health!

A quiet place for
spiritually based answers



Your Reading Room provides you a source for spiritual answers to all sorts of human situations we all face.


Come in, sit down and use the spiritual resource computer to connect you to many published Christian Science periodicals containing a full host of healings from finding companionship to finding employment to healing of all sorts of physical challenges. You will discover the ideas and much food for thought that led to these healings and will lead you to yours. The Reading Room and its spiritual resources are fully available to everyone.

Sixth Church Reading Room:

Hours Open

Monday through Saturday 11 to 2:30


Our location is:

2430 S Colorado Blvd  Click for Map
Denver, CO 80222

Phone 303-777-0489

Metropolitan Reading Room

Hours Open
Monday thru Friday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM;
Saturdays 12:00 – 3:00PM


1601 Larimer St.
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 303-534-3571